Thursday, August 25, 2011

Some Interesting Dates

I was going through my stack of old notes on my desk yesterday, and I came across one where I had jotted down the following dates: March 23, 2008, April 19, 2009, June 13, 2011, and December 21, 2012.  So, what is the significance of those dates?  Well, those dates come pretty close to aligning themselves with key market turning points.  For instance, the March 23, 2008, came approximately two months after the 15/40 EMAs turned bearish; April 19, 2009 came one month after the market bottomed in March 2009; June 13, 2011 came one month after the market topped out on May 2; and December 21, 2012 is to be determined, but it would appear that date should correspond to some important intermediate low for the market.   Therefore, I more convinced that the 15/40 EMA Bear Cross, which would indicate the primary market trend is now down, will hold given the June 13, 2011 turning date.  However, saying all this, I will still let the “MARKET” tell what to do!  But, I just thought those dates that I had written down over three years ago were quite interesting. 

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