Friday, May 31, 2013

Institute for the Works of Religion or The Vatican Bank

"God’s new banker brings Teutonic thoroughness to Vatican."  That is a headline in today's (May 31, 2013) Financial Times.  That title sparked by interest.  Why?  Ask a Natsari!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Is Bernanke Out as Chairperson of the Federal Reserve System?

Bernanke's term as a "Board Member" does not end until January 31, 2020.  However, as the chair of the Fed, that ends on January 31, 2014.  Now, the question to ponder is as follows:  Will Obama reappoint Bernanke again?  My response to that question is "no!"  Why?  Under Bernanke, the Fed has injected more than $3 trillion into the financial system since March of 2009.   What has been the results of all this liquidity?  No sustainable economic improvement.  That in itself should be reason enough to not appoint Bernanke.  However, since Obama does ascribe to Bernanke's monetary policies, why the change?  Obama has to blame the failed monetary policies on someone, and that someone is Bernanke. Will such a move to appoint a new Fed Chair make a difference?  Absolutely not, in my humble opinion. 

Who does the smart money say will be appointed as the new "Chair," if Bernanke is not reappointed?  That individual would be Janet L. Yellen, who is the current Vice Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.  Dr. Yellen earned her Ph.D. in Economics from Yale University in 1971.  (In other words, she would be another elitist just like Bernanke with the same failed monetary approach to the economy.  To make matters worst, she is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.)  Therefore, nothing will change for the better, just a name change at the top.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Real Truth of the Operational Federal Deficit for 2013

Yesterday's economic comments centered on the approximate ($488) billion in operational deficits from October 1st to April 30th of this year, which is a complete falsehood.  The so-called economic/financial pundits were declaring that this was a major accomplishment for the Obama Administration.  Why?  Because Obama stated during his 2007 campaign that he would reduce the size of the federal deficit by half during his first administration. 

Let's look at the real truth of the size of the federal deficit for the past seven months from the following table:

The above table is taken directly from "Treasury Direct," which was reproduced from the Market Ticker.  The first column is the public debt, the next is Social Security and Medicare, and the third is the total federal debt.  What does it illustrate?  Since September 28, 2012,  there has been a net $762.6 billion of new debt added to the Federal balance sheet, not $488 billion!  And, if one extrapolates the remaining five months for the current fiscal year,  the federal deficit is $1.307 trillion.

Remember the "real truth" always comes out.  

Monday, May 06, 2013

Pet Food Stamps

 Well, what do we have here?  And, no, I am not making this up.  We now have a "Pet Food Stamp" program for low-income families. Wow!  To keep Americans from having to choose between feeding their pets or themselves, dog and cat owners who are currently receiving public assistance can apply for help.  Applicants will need to provide a photocopy of their state identification and the address on the ID must match the address on the public assistance award letter.  Once all that is verified, you then get enrolled to get six months of free home delivery of pet food from   And after six months time if you still need the service, you are able to reapply without a wait for another six months

Friday, May 03, 2013

Taking the Lemmings' Wealth

I am going to be more than happy to acquire the wealth of all those financial lemmings, who have not learned a thing from 2008.  Therefore, I have taken on the following positions: "SPY 70 December 2015 Puts."

The Significance of the Decrease in the "Average Work Week" for April 2013

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that "Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 165,000 in April, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 7.5%."  The BLS also reported the following information on the number of hours worked: "The average workweek for all employees on private no-farm payrolls decreased by 0.2 hour in April to 34.4 hours."  Now, why is the decrease in the number of hours significant?  Thanks to Karl Denninger over at the Market Ticker, he explains the decrease in hours worked this way: " If we look at the "employed" figure of 143,724,000 people, a drop of 0.2 hours is a full-time-equivalent decrease of 1/2% (.2/40 hour work week = .005).  Applied to the employed population, this amounts to an imputed economic decrease of 718,620 jobs (143,724,000 x .005)!" He further mentions that this is a huge problem going forward, because the trend of cutting hours back to get under Obamacare limits (30 hours) is picking up steam and will continue for the rest of 2013 and into 2014.