Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Includes Incentives for Individuals to Work Less and Earn Less Money

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), if your 2014 income is between 138% and 400% of the "Federal Poverty Level" for your household size, you can purchase health insurance on a state-run exchange and receive a federal tax subsidy to offset all or part of your premium.  "Because of the manner in which ACA defines who gets subsidies and who doesn’t, there is a huge “cliff effect” at 400% of the federal poverty line (FPL).  If you make a penny more, you won’t receive health care subsidies. If you make a penny less, you could receive thousands in subsidies.  Therefore, what is the result?  Rational people who are right around the 400% FPL threshold will choose to work less in order to increase their income after paying for health insurance."

As an example, in California, a couple earning $64,000 (412% of the FPL) a year would not qualify for health care subsidies.  A bronze plan for them through Kaiser would cost them about $1,300 each month, or $15,600 a year.  But, if that same family earned just $2,000 less, or $62,000 (399% of FPL) it would qualify for over $14,000 in annual health care subsidies, dropping their premiums for that same Kaiser plan to less than $100 per month.  Therefore, the after-insurance income for the couple earning $64,000 is $48,400.  The after-insurance income for the couple making $62,000, which is just under the 400% FPL threshold, is $60,800. I don't know about you, but $60,800 in spendable income is better than $48,400! 

Why is this knowledge relevant to your financial well being?  Because it makes no sense for a couple on the FPL bubble to work harder to earn a little extra money.  In other words, the ACA would severely punish them for their desire to increase their income, which translates into less GDP growth.

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation has a great Affordable Care Act subsidy calculator. Click here for a direct link to the site.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Well, You Can't Win Them All!

What Will it Cost You in the Obamacare Exchanges?

Total U.S. Debt Soars Over $17 Trillion

I don't know what all the fuss was about, right?  Hey, another trillion here and there, and soon we will be talking about some real serious debt.  But, in the mean time, our debt level is just barely over $17 trillion.  Enjoy your weekend!  (The above Table III-C was taken from the Daily Treasury Statement.) 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Chinese Agency Downgrades US Credit Rating

Dagong lowered its ratings for U.S. credit from A to A-, maintaining a negative outlook, the agency said in a statement.  Dagong is far less prominent than its Western competitors including Moody's, Fitch, and Standard and Poor's.  On Tuesday, Fitch issued a "warning," not a down grade to the U.S. credit status if the debt crisis was not resolved.  Of course, the debt crisis has not been resolved, simply put off until February.  Those two agencies, Dagong and Fitch, are foreign rating agencies.  Fitch is a French concern.  I find it very interesting that the two rating agencies that have spoken out about the credit worthiness of the U.S. are foreign entities.  I guess Moody's and Standard and Poor's were too afraid of any negative consequences from our government if they came out with a so-called negative warning. 

Does anyone really believe that at a debt level of $17 trillion plus that our country can continue to go down this path of ever expanding levels of debt, or, for that matter, kick the proverbial "debt can" down the road forever without a resolution?  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

American Adults are Dumber than Average

The results are from a study called the "Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies,"  and it tested 166,000 people aged 16 to 65 in more than 20 countries.  The study found that in math, reading, and problem solving, American adults scored below the international average.  The results should not be a surprise, since America’s school kids have not measured well compared with international peers. Now, we know that adults don’t either. 

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Moody's Offers Different View on Debt Limit

In a memo being circulated on Capitol Hill today, Wednesday, October, 9,  Moody’s Investors Service says that the U.S. Treasury Department is likely to continue paying interest on the government’s debt even if Congress fails to lift the limit on borrowing next week, preserving the nation’s sterling AAA credit rating.  At least someone has read the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  I would appreciate it if not only the Administration but Congress pick-up a copy of the U.S. Constitution and read it.  I am sure that there is at least one copy someway to found in Washington, D.C.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Social Security Warns Benefits Could Get Cut

The Social Security Administration has begun warning the public it cannot guarantee full benefit payments if the debt ceiling isn’t increased.  (But the government can pay $47,174 for a mechanical bull.)  The agency made the following statement: “Unlike a federal shutdown which has no impact on the payment of Social Security benefits, failure to raise the debt ceiling puts Social Security benefits at risk.”  Bull!  Our government takes in $250 billion a month, or $3 trillion in a year.  In other words, it has sufficient funds to not only pay its social security obligations but the interest on the debt, medicare & medicaid, veteran's benefits, and defense.  Such a statement being made by the Social Security Administration is nothing but a "Scare Tactic," which is shameful. 

No Bull Here!

On Monday, the U.S. Army contracted to buy a mechanical bull.  The $47,174 contract was awarded on October 7 to Mechanical Bull Sales Inc. of State College, PA.  According to the General Services Administration (GSA) listing, the National Guard of Utah made the request for a “bull which needs to be durable and low maintenance” for its recruiting endeavors.  The National Guard of Utah stated that its old mechanical bull is beyond repair.

Monday, October 07, 2013

He Was Right in 2006 but Not in 2013

The U.S. Treasury takes in approximately $250 billion a month, which is 10 times what the monthly Treasury interest payments are on our debt. The United States will not default on its debt. The 14th Amendment (Sections 4 and 5) of the U.S. Constitution spells out that, as a nation, we must pay off our Treasury debts (interest) first, before we pay anything else.  So, we not only have sufficient revenue coming into the Treasury to pay the interest due but the 14th Amendment, which spells out what must be paid first. 

What to Know if You Opt Out of Buying Health Insurance Under Obamacare

 If one opts out of getting health insurance, one will have to pay a penalty, or I like to refer to it as a tax!  The penalties are not very high to start.  In 2014, the fine to remain uninsured is $95 per person (up to a family maximum of $285, or 1 percent of family income, whichever is greater).  However, the penalty will increase significantly in the next two years, with the tax running as much as $695 per person by 2016.  The family maximum would be as high as $2,085, or 2.5 % of family income, whichever is greater.

One can calculate how much your health insurance premium would cost by using the Kaiser Family Foundation Subsidy Calculator, and then you can compare the tax you would be assessed for having no insurance. 

America's Laziest Postwoman?

Did you notice that she drove all the way across the front lawn to the door to deliver the small package.  And, by the way she looks, she could have used a little exercise by walking from the street to the porch.

Saturday, October 05, 2013

What Government Shutdown?

Based on estimates drawn from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) data, government operations continue to function at 83%.  So, this government shutdown, as measured by money spent, is really only a 17% government shutdown. 

Friday, October 04, 2013

Happy Birthday Federal Income Tax on Being 100 Years Old

In 1913, the tax code consisted of 400 pages.  By 2012, the tax code was 73,608 pages.  Today, we have a very complex tax system that is far from its inception 100 years ago.  It is time for the current tax system to be replaced with the Fair Tax

Thursday, October 03, 2013

$INDU: Updated Comments Remain the Same!

My comments of August 27, 2013 entitled, "$INDU: Break of 14,600 Has Significant Positive Consequences for the Bear Case" remain the same.  See the following chart and comments:

Who Says the Economy is in Bad Shape? Not the One Percenters!

According to Reuters, "Daimler's luxury brand Mercedes-Benz sold the most cars in one month in its history in September.  It sold over 142,000 cars last month, a rise of 15.9 percent, driven by demand in China and the United States.  I guess the wealth-effect does work when it comes to the "One Percenters" of the economy who have been blessed with all the QEs of the Federal Reserve System. 

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Government Closed for Non-essential Services

The government is closed for non-essential services like the EPA and IRS.  The IRS has furloughed 91% of its workforce of 94,516, while the EPA has furloughed 93% of its workforce of 16,205.  That is, only 9% of the IRS and 7% of the EPA workforces to go.  I would say that is an excellent start.