Monday, May 11, 2009

Is Higher Education the Reason for Obama's Blame America Rhetoric?

Dorthy Rabinowitz, who is a member of the Wall Street Journal's editorial board, writes in the "Wall Street Journal" on April 22, 2009 that higher education over the past 50 years has adopted a very liberal orientation within the professorial ranks.

A direct quote from her article is as follows: "None of this display during Mr. Obama's recent travels could have come as a surprise to legions of his supporters, nor would many of them be daunted by their new president's preoccupation with American's moral failures. Five decades of teaching in colleges and universities across the land, portraying the United States as a power mainly responsible for injustice and evil, whose military might was ever a danger to the world -- a nation built on the fruits of greed, rapacity and racism -- have had their effect. The products of this education find nothing strange in a president quick to focus on the theme of American moral failure."

For the complete article, click-on "Obama Blames America."

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