Monday, May 10, 2010

Fannie Mae: Some Things Just Don't Change

Fannie Mae has again asked Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayers for more money after reporting a first-quarter loss of more than $13 billion. They have lost $137 billion so far and keep adding to it quarter after quarter, and are still allowed to operate. Don't you just love these government run businesses? Isn't America great?

Fannie Mae, which was rescued by Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer, in September 2008, said it needs an additional $8.4 billion from the government to help cover mounting losses. Why not, if Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer has given billions to Greece, the least they can do is give $8 billion to Fannie. Right? (I should point out that Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayers only constitute 52% of Americans that pay Federal Income Taxes. For those of us that have this elite status, our taxes are going to sky-rocket!)

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