Sunday, February 20, 2011


 Karl Denninger over at the "Market Ticker" had some insightful words to say about that thing we refer to as States.  My "two cents" are in italics.

"You know, that thing that has all of the powers of government not explicitly delegated in The Constitution to the Federal government.  (Yes, we still have a Constitution, but I am beginning to wonder if those in Washington realize it.)  There are 50 of them in my last count referred to “The United States.”  Notice, that we don't call the nation "The United Federal Government."  We call it "The United STATES."  (That's because States should have supremacy, but more and more our Federal Government has forgotten about that.)  They originally joined together under a promise of a limited Federal government, which was mostly about the common defense and little more."

I am very glad to see that some States are starting to realize and wake up to the real reason why this country is referred to as THE UNITED STATES and not The United Federal Government.

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