Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thoughts on the Future of Egypt (Mitsrayim) and Northern Africa

In America, the result events in Northern Africa, especially Egypt, have been reported in a mostly positive manner.  President Obama described the scenes of jubilation this way: "We saw mothers and fathers carrying their children to show them what true democracy might look like.  We heard a young Egypt say that my voice is heard.  We saw people of faith praying together and chanting Muslims, Christians, We are one."

The mainstream perception would have you believe that Egypt is a country hungry for freedom and peace after a generation of rule by Hosni Mubarak.  But, this perception ignores the current reality of what is really going on Egypt.  It is definitely not the wonderful, feel-good story that is being put forth in the media.  Maybe it is just the way that we Americans want to believe the world should be, like those wonderful fairy-tales with happy endings that we were told growing up.

Ok, what is reality in Egypt?  Is it, as President Obama claimed, positive for the Middle East and America because the Egyptians truly want freedom and a Western-style democracy? Or, do they want an Islamic theocracy as put forth by the Muslim Brotherhood, which claims to be the true guardian of Islam?

I believe the answer to the above two questions can be ascertained by a survey done by the Pew Research Center last year  that showed that Egyptians do not want a Western-style democracy but a strict Islamic rule.  This survey (Pew Global Attitudes Project, December 2, 2010) had the following results:

  1. 85% of Muslims in Egypt want a strong Islamic influence in the nation's politics. (That would mean the Muslim Brotherhood.)
  2. Approximately 85% say those who leave the Muslim faith should be killed for it.
  3. 82% support stoning adulterers.
  4. 77% believe thieves should have their hands cut off.
  5. Over 50% support segregating women from men in the workplace.
  6. 54% believe suicide bombings that murder civilians can be justified.
  7. Among the 18 Muslim nations Pew surveyed, Egypt had the highest unfavorable rating toward American (82% dislike the U.S.).
The results of this survey indicates that the media and Administration have it exactly backward.  Egyptians are not seeking an American-style democracy, just the opposite.  They want a true Islamic theocracy.

I am very concerned about the Northern Africa countries, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Tunisia.  I have always believed that a Western-style democracy would never work in a culture where the main influence is Sharia (Islamic) Law.  I see the aforementioned countries definitely moving to an Islamic theocracy.  The next country to do such, in my opinion, is Ethiopia.  We have not heard much about the unrest there, but it is.  Therefore, what is happening in Northern Africa and the Middle East is not good for America.

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