Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A look at the UK’s REAL GDP or Simply Substitute USA for UK

"The following chart is pretty simple to follow. First up the black line is the UK’s GDP going back all the way to 1970. The green line is the amount the government has borrowed as a percent of GDP and the red line is a simple subtraction of the government spending through borrowed money from GDP. So what does this tell us?
The government has no money, it only has what it can tax the people. When it wants to spend more than the revenue it generates it borrows this money. However, that borrowed money has to be repaid and the only way it can do this is by taxing in the future.
So when the government borrows money and pumps it into the economy, it can make the GDP numbers go up and make the economy appear stronger than it actually is. In essence the government is borrowing GDP from future years to make GDP in the here-and-now go up. However, this is all false because eventually that borrowed money has to be repaid through higher taxes (with interest) and all that ‘gained’ GDP will have to be given back."
You can read the full article at Gold News.

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