Tuesday, December 20, 2011

"A Fool and His Money are Soon Parted."

Wow, nice Santa rally going on.  Today’s rally reminds me of the famous proverb found in the poem Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry by Thomas Tusser, which states, "A fool and his money are soon parted.”

I am simply amazed at how Wall Street is blinded by the real reality of Main Street.  And, how Wall Street believes that its real Savior is in the Central Bankers of the world.  Enjoy “Bulltarts” this bittersweet year-end rally for 2011, because 2012 will show the complete folly of your ways.   Therefore, I thought the following Santa video is appropriate for all the Bulltarts that still believe in Santa Claus, Bunny Rabbit, and the Tooth Fairy.

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