Monday, January 02, 2012

Bulltarts: Welcome to 2012

Central bankers of the world have become gods to the Bulltarts; ever-increasing equity prices have become the Manna provided by these gods.    Rising financial asset prices simply demonstrate to those bulltarts that these gods have found favor with the way they are handling the world economies.  They take great pride in believing that their gods have fostered unlimited blessings on them because of their unwavering faith in the powers of the central bankers.  However, the Bulltarts, of course, are blinded to the real truth, which will finally be revealed this year.  They fail to realize that their gods (central bankers) are really anti-Messiahs, who are nothing more than wolfs in sheep clothing.   2012 will finally be the year that reveals this truth.  However, for the Bulltarts, it will be too late once this truth is revealed.  Their false gods that they placed such great and undying faith in will simply devour their financial portfolios. 

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