Sunday, April 15, 2012

Geithner: A Very Poor Excuse for a Treasury Secretary

"U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner warned Congress against repeating last year’s “very damaging” debate over the debt limit and said the economy is stronger than at any time in the past several years."  He made the above statements today on NBC's Meet the Press as reported by Bloomberg News.

I love his above statement in which he states, "the economy is stronger than at any time in the past several years."  You have got to be kidding me, Timmy!  This economy is about to drop off the face of the earth, and he continues to try to convince everyone that only good times are directly ahead of us. 

I like the way Karl Denninger, over at the Market Ticket, put it in which he said, "So exactly what is the purpose of Congress, which is supposed to initiate all bills, if the Executive Branch can just borrow as much as it wants without debate or refusal?  At exactly what point does Congress have the right to hold Obama accountable for his lies?  You know, the lie he told about cutting the deficit in half by the end of his first term -- when he instead more than doubled it!"  Do you have a response, Mr. Geithner?

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