Monday, May 28, 2012

Let's Remember

We have thrown over $1.3 trillion down Middle East rat holes over the last 11 years with no discernible benefit to the citizens of the United States.  Our foreign policy during the last eleven years has been a dismal failure.  Our polices are designed not to win but lose.  (By the way, when was the last time our country had a military victory?)  How many of our brave men have been lost over those 11 years?  For what?  (Do a Google search to find out.  You will be shocked, especially when you count the number of innocent, civilian lives in that total.)

These endless foreign interventions under the guise of a War on Terror are a smoke screen for what is really going on in this country. When a government has unsolvable domestic problems, they try to distract the willfully ignorant masses by proactively creating foreign conflicts based upon false pretenses.  General Douglas MacArthur understood this danger to our liberty when he stated, “I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.” [Quote from the Burning Platform]

Therefore, as we celebrate another Memorial Day with cookouts and burgers, let's us be truly mindful of those that have lost their lives for our freedom, not for those that have put our nation in harm's way.  For those individuals, I want to hold them accountable.

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