Sunday, January 06, 2013

Price Honesty at One Hospital in the Medical Field

The following video will illustrate how one hospital has dealt with the ever increasing cost of medical care in the United States.  Last year, we spent $850 billion at the federal level on medical care, which amounted to 24% of total federal government spending.  In 1980, $53 billion was spent on medical care at the federal level.  From 1980 to 2012, that spending on medical amounts to a compounded growth rate of 9%.  Therefore, if one simply extrapolates that growth rate into the future, the government will spend $1.7 trillion on medical care by 2020, or close to 49% of today's total government spending, which definitely can not be sustained.  Keep-in-mind that the $3.5 trillion of government spending is in relation to the $2.3 trillion that the government receives in the form of all taxes.  Therefore, if we are going to cut government spending in a meaningful way, we must look at the medical profession.  That is, we must look at how the current medical profession is pricing its care in relation to how the Surgery Center of Oklahoma prices its care.

Once you have reviewed the video, go to the Surgery Center of Oklahoma's site and see for yourself its pricing model.  If you have recently had surgery at a hospital, you may want to look at your bill and then compare it to the cost of the same procedure at the Surgery Center of Oklahoma

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