Monday, April 29, 2013

Nonsexist Alternative Language or Effemination of our Society

This whole "nonsexist alternative language" has me thinking about the "effemination" of our society.  (You may want to research the effects of effemination of males in regard to their traditional roles within society.)

Therefore, in keeping with current nonsexist terms, please refrain from using the following words and substitute the words following the "colon:"
  1. Master Bedroom: Please use "Owner's Suite."
  2. Freshman: Please use "First-year Student."
  3. Chairman of the Board: Please use "Chair of the Board."
  4. Mankind: Please use "Humanity."
  5. Policeman: Please use "Police Officer."
  6. Fireman: Please use "Fire Fighter."
  7. Congressman: Please use "Member of Congress."
  8. Cleaning Lady: Please use "Cleaner."
  9. Fisherman: Please use "Fisherfolk."
  10. Man-size Task: Please use "Demanding Task."
  11. Master Key: Please use "Master Copy."
  12. Railwayman: Please use "Railway Worker. 
Men, I would appreciate your total cooperation in the utilization of the above "nonsexist alternative language" in your daily conversations.  Only you can speed-up the "effemination process" of our gender.

Sallie Mae

As WSJ reports, Sallie Mae (SLM), the nation's largest non-government student lender just cancelled a $225 million debt offering as investors decided they simply were not getting paid enough for risk - amid rising student loan defaults.  This sounds a whole lot like 2007 when the leaks to the sub-prime mortgage bubble were first notices.  And, of course, that did not end well.  Oh, by the way, he total student loans outstanding are in excess of $1 trillion.  Simply look at the following chart, and one might conclude that this is 2007 all over again.  But, this time is going to be worse. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Record Number of Households on Food Stamps

The latest available data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows that a record number 23 million households in the United States are now on food stamps.  That equates to 1 out of every five (20%) households are on food stamps (EBT Cards).

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Elliott Wave Theorist: Lows of Generational Proportions?

Please keep-in-mind that I am simply the messenger of the following forecasts put-forth by Robert Prechter of “The Elliott Wave Theorist." 
The latest edition of  “The Elliott Wave Theorist,” dated April 23, 2013, puts forth the following projections for Gold, Silver, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average between now and 2016:
  1. Silver will eventually take out its 1993 low of $3.51/ounce.
  2. Gold will fall below $200/ounce.  
  3. Equity markets should top out no later than Friday, May 3, for a 90% decline.  From today’s close of 14,719.46 on the DJIA, which would put the average at 1,472. 
What kind of economic scenario would bring about such low price levels for financial assets between now and 2016?  Answer: Deflation/Depression

Monday, April 15, 2013

$SLV: How Low Can It Go?

Happy Tax Day!

 In regard to taxes, how many miles constitute the U.S. Tax Code?  Answer: ≈13 miles!  The U.S. Tax Code is 73,954 pages long.  A standard sheet of paper is 8.5 inches in width by 11 inches in length.  If we multiply the length of the paper (11 inches) by 73,954 pages, we get 813,494 inches, which equals 67,791 feet.  A mile is 5,280 feet long.  Divide the 67,791 feet by one mile and you get 12.84 miles of tax code!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring Cleaning

I decided to take a couple of days off from posting on my blog in order to do some office cleaning. From the looks of it, I may need more than a couple of days :-(

Monday, April 08, 2013

How Many Working Age Americans do not Have a Job?

The answer is 101,709,000!  Yes, over 101 million working age Americans do not have a job. But, everything is just great in the "World of Oz"  At least, that is what we are being told.  As of July 2012, the population of the United States stood at 313,914,040.  Therefore, in relation to the population, 32.4% of working age Americans do not have employment.  But wait, you say the unemployment rate that was just announced last week was only 7.6%.  In other words, we have a major disconnect?  The Obama Administration is getting unemployment to go down by pretending that millions upon millions of unemployed Americans simply do not want jobs anymore.  We saw this once again in March 2012.  According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), more than 600,000 Americans dropped out of the labor market during that month alone.

I guess is just doesn't pay to work anymore. Various studies support that conclusion.  One study reported that a family of four, collecting all the benefits for which they were entitled, would have to earn $65,000 per year to have the same after-tax purchasing power.   According to Gary Alexander, the Secretary of Public Welfare for the state of Pennsylvania, a "single mom is better off earning gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits than to earn gross income of $69,000 with net income and benefits of $57,045." If you work, you must be a sucker.

Now, back to the construction of the 101 million working age Americans that do not have jobs.  According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there are 11,742,000 working age Americans that are officially unemployed.  Plus, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that there are 89,967,000 working age Americans that are not in the labor force.  Therefore, the sum of the two equates to 101,709,000 or 32.4% of the population of the United States of American do not have employment. 

Check out the details of the above content at Zero Hedge.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Let the Truth be Told!

David Blanchflower, a former Bank of England policy maker who now teaches at Dartmouth, said the following: “The reason that stocks have erased all their losses is entirely because of QE (fallacy of so-called free money).  To argue that that’s independent of the actions of the Fed shows no understanding of what the Fed is doing and what they did.”  So, there you have it.  Through the Fed's policy of so-called "free money," not real economic growth or real job growth, you have the explanation on why the market is completely disconnected from economic reality.  As I stated many time previously, the main benefactor has been Wall Street, not Main Street.