Sunday, June 07, 2015

A Real Eye Opener (Shocker) From the Latest BLS Report on Job Additions

The BLS is defines a "foreign-born worker" as follows:  Persons who reside in the United States but who were born outside the country or one of its outlying areas to parents who are not U.S. citizens. The foreign born include legally admitted immigrants, refugees, temporary residents, such as students and temporary workers, and undocumented immigrants. The survey data, however, do not separately identify the number of persons in these categories. 

Now the analysis is as follows: The recovery from the subprime debacle, as I commonly refer to the last recession, has almost entirely benefited "foreign-born workers" at the expense of "native-born Americans." The number of foreign-born workers added, according to the BLS, was 2,288,000 and the number of native-born workers added was 727,000, or, as the chart states, 3 TIMES MORE FOREIGN-BORN WORKERS THAN NATIVE-BORN WORKERS.

Please be mindful that I am not trying to side with either camp on the illegal immigration debate. I am simply trying to present the facts as reported by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), which I was not aware that the BLS gathers such statistics. Saying that, I was simply shocked by the magnitude of the jobs added by foreign-born workers vs. native-born workers. 

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