Sunday, November 22, 2009

Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board

The "Wall Street Journal"reports that the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board charged with overseeing the economic-stimulus program says it doesn't plan to change its position that the package directly created or saved 640,329.17 jobs through September, despite its own admission and statements from the White House that the number is not accurate. By the way, how does one come up with ".17 job?"

It is interesting that the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which is the investigative arm of Congress, issued a report last week saying there were "significant issues to be addressed" in the accuracy of reports. However, Ed Pound, spokesman for the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, said that the number would not be changed. Period!!! End of story!!!

Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels made the following statement: "A lie, repeated often enough, will end up as truth." I tend to agree with the doctor. Do yourself a favor and do a Google search on the good Dr. Goebbels.

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