Tuesday, June 19, 2012

America's Welfare State: Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Food Stamp Card

I know I am suppose to be on my "Summer Hiatus," however, I just could not pass on this one.  After reading my post, I believe you will understand why I had to do a post on it.  So, without any further ado, the state of New York would prohibit welfare recipients from spending their tax-funded benefits on cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, and strip clubs under a bill passed overwhelmingly by the state Senate on Tuesday.  Wait, you mean you can not spend other people's money to pay for a lap dance?  What crazy form of inhumane austerity is New York trying to pass?  I hope the Department of Justice (Are you listening, Eric Holder?) looks into this inhumane bill.  (LOL)  But perhaps the scariest scenario is that New Yorkers actually do spend their EBT food stamp money, (no, taxpayers money), at strip clubs.  Is any of this registering with you, American taxpayer? To put it mildly, I was outraged that individuals could use these EBT cards, which are designed to purchase food, to buy cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, and of course visit your local strip clubs.  Click here for the article. 

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