Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hollande's Prescription for Economic Disaster

Since France's Socialist President François Hollande took office in mid-May, his government has instituted the following economic policies:

  1. Decreased the retirement age from 62 to 60.
  2. Increased the minimum wage rate by more than inflation. 
  3. Created a special 3% tax on dividends.
  4. Instituted a maximum tax rate of 75%.
What has been the economic consequences so far from these actions? First, economic growth has evaporated.  (France's national statistical office "Insee" is forecasting a further rise in the jobless rate, from the current 10%.)  Second, an increase in taxes has already slowed down France's economy.  Good job, Hollande.  He is in office a little over a month, and his policies have doomed France.  Why would anyone vote a Socialist into office?  The answer is that you get to spend other people's money!  

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