Tuesday, February 05, 2013

CBO Forecast: Dire -- But Wait, Prosperity is Just Around the Corner

The Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) just-released economic forecast for 2013 is nothing to write home about, to say the least.  GDP is expected to grow by only 1.4%, which I consider is way too high, the unemployment rate will "stay near" 8%, which I consider will reach at least 8.7%, the federal deficit will reach $845 billion, which I believe will be at least $1.2 trillion, and ObamaCare will cost 7 million their health insurance, which I estimate to be at least 10 million.

The CBO then goes on to say that the economy will improve after this year.  Do you really believe the CBO?  After three years of being told by this government that "prosperity" is just around the corner, I just don't see how anyone can believe what they tell us.

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