Friday, August 08, 2014

Boost FICO Scores by Changing How It's Calculated

Tens of millions of individuals will now be eligible to get additional credit to take on more debt to buy that new car, home, or just anything, because Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) is about to change how your FICO score is calculated.  (Can anyone say sub-prime mortgage debt?)  According to the Wall Street Journal, Fair Isaac will stop including in its FICO credit-score calculations any record of a consumer failing to pay a bill if the bill has been paid or settled with a collection agency.  Given this revision alone, some borrowers' FICO scores could increase by at least 50 points.  Lenders, for one, better be caution about these new FICO scores.  If these lending institutions do increase loans of any type, based on these revised scores, they better start increasing their "loan-loss provisions."

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