Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Federal Tax Revenues Set Record Amount

The U.S. Treasury Department took in a record of approximately $2,446,920,000,000 in tax revenues through the first nine months of fiscal 2015. Yes, that dollar figure is in “TRILLIONS.”

To put that mind-boggling figure into proper perspective, that $2.4 trillion equates to approximately $16,451 for every American, who had either a part- or full-time job in June 2015.

Despite the record tax revenues of $2,446,920,000,000 in the first nine months of this fiscal year, the government spent $2,760,301,000,000 during those nine months. Therefore, the government still did not have enough money, because it ran up a deficit of $313,381,000,000 during this period. Unbelievable in that our government takes in over $2 trillion, and it still cannot balance its budget. Give me a break!

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