Tuesday, December 18, 2012

U.S. Debt Over Time

The above chart has been extracted from ZeroHedge.  The debt trajectory is truly alarming, especially the Federal Deficit to GDP percentages.  Some additional comments from the above chart are as follows:

  • Government spending is the true problem of America's deficits, which our politicians will not really deal with because of the entitlement mentality of our society.  That is, take from someone else but not from me! 
  • This should not a political issue; however, it is. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are perfectly aware that setting the U.S. on a sustainable fiscal course in the long run would mean massive pain for the economy, and an immediate termination of all existing political careers. 
  • There is no question that the current debt situation is unsustainable.  U.S. economy is currently growing at a pace of 1.5%-2%, at best.  Total 2012 U.S. debt will have risen approximately 8%, and will continue rising in the 6%-8% range.   
  • More disturbing is the influence of the Fed, whose policy of a zero-interest rate policy (ZIRP), which completely distorts the workings of the money and capital markets, and outright debt monetization has been the only permissive factor that has allowed the U.S. to delay the inevitable moment of reckoning (Remember the end of the upcoming Shemitah is September 13, 2015.) 
So, what will the government eventually do?  Do whatever it takes to perpetuate its own self-interest, not yours, and take total control over your lives by making you totally dependent on it for everything.  In other words, the government wants to be your “god” (Think Executive Order 6102.).

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