Thursday, September 11, 2008

Don't Bail Them Out!

Conventional wisdom states that our government did not have a choice. It had to "bail" out FannieMae and FreddieMac, because according to this wisdom it was a natural disaster. It had to come to the rescue by pouring billions, if not trillions, of dollars at the problem. If our government did not intervene, this wisdom states our economy would suffer the consequences of another "Great Depression."

Non-traditional wisdom states that the price system through market operations should prevail, not government intervention that usurps the market's ability to determine asset values. "This wisdom states that what should have happened in 1929 is precisely what should happen now. The government should completely remove itself from the course of action and let the market reevaluate resource values. That means bankruptcies, yes. That means bank closures, yes. But these are part of the capitalistic system. They are part of the free-market economy. What is regrettable is not the readjustment process, but that the process was ever made necessary by the preceding interventions, which will make the underlying problem worse!"

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