Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oil Prices: WTIC (West Texas Intermediate Crude)

From the post of Monday, September 8, I illustrated the close relationship (inverse) between the dollar and oil over the past year. That is, when the dollar strengthens, oil prices weakens. The following "Point and Figure Chart" on oil, which is the type of chart I use to discern long-term price trends, reinforces that relationship. Major support has been broken significantly. The downside price objective is now currently at $96. Who would have thought back in July when oil was at $145 that we would be discussing oil under $100. And, who would have thought a few short month ago that the dollar would be one of the strongest currencies in the world. I have learned many lessons in trading stocks over my investment career, but the best "lesson learned" is to always let the market tell you what to do, rather than trying to tell the market what to do.

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