China plans on devaluing the "Yuan" by 10% in an attempt to revive its export economy. Potential consequences of such action is to kill the export economies of the U.S., Europe, and Japan. In exchange rate terminology, a cheaper Yuan means a more expensive Dollar, Euro, and Yen. The table below list the "Top 15 U.S. Exporters" to China. When the "Peoples Bank of China (China's Fed)" completes its devaluation process, the manufacturing companies from these states will definitely be at a competitive disadvantage by whatever the final devaluation of the Yuan happens to be. In other words, their exports will decline. And, of course, when exports decline, companies layoff workers. Keep-in-mind that these export jobs are usually the higher paying ones, not those bartender/waiter jobs. The currency war is about to unfold as countries try to protect their exporting industries.
Source: Zero Hedge
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