Monday, August 10, 2015

Trump's Tax Plan: "1-5-10-15 Income Tax Plan"

Disclaimer Upfront: I am not a Trump supporter, but I do like his tax plan, which the media has not reported. Trump has hit a nerve with the American public. They are tired of Washington's politics -- Democrats and Republicans.  Americans no longer feel that Washington has their "best interest" at heart. Americans are tired of political correctness. Americans are tired of politicians running on conservative principles and values and then doing the exact opposite when they arrive in Washington. Americans want someone that they perceive is an an antithesis of the current policies being promulgated out of Washington, even if that individual is a jackass.  

One charge against Trump is that he has not offered any so-called specifics. Well, I just came across his "tax plan" for America. I wonder why the media has not focused on this specific realm of his campaign. Have you heard about his "tax plan?" It appears the  media wants to hide it from the American people. Why? Because I believe the majority of Americans would probably like his tax plan. Now, as most of you know, I am a "Fair Tax" proponent. I believe our tax system needs to be simplified, not the 75,000+ pages we have today, and fair, everyone needs to have some "skin" in the game.

Ok, under Trump's tax plan, which has no deductions or exemptions, those making up to:
  1. $30,000 per year will pay 1% in federal income taxes.
  2. $30,000 to $100,000 will pay 5%.
  3. $100,000 ot $1,000,000 will pay 10%.
  4. $1,000,000 or above will pay 15%.
And, there you have it. 

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